
If you drive a tractor trailer for a living, you’re used to commanding the roadways in a massive vehicle. However, without regular trailer and truck maintenance, it’s easy to lose this power due to your vehicle’s unpredictability. By keeping an eye on trailer alignment at all times, you can bypass many of the worst issues professional drivers encounter. Here are just some of the reasons to be vigilant.

Why Professional Drivers Should Keep an Eye on Trailer Alignment

Preserve Your Tires

Wide-based tires are now the gold standard for most tractor trailers, as they’re designed to improve fuel economy and lower the truck’s overall weight. However, the tread face of these tires is more vulnerable to erosion if it’s misaligned. Instead of letting tire scuff go unaddressed, keep an eye on the alignment of your trailer, or hire a professional to take a look and ensure even wear.

Prevent Dog Tracking

If you’ve ever been in the driver’s seat of a tractor trailer, you know looking out your side-view mirror to see the trailer pulling off to one side or the other is an immediate wake-up call. Your massive truck already has significant blind spots, and now your swerving trailer is amplifying them. This is called dog tracking, and it’s often the result of bad suspension parts or misaligned wheels. It can be especially dangerous to your fellow drivers, as well as the cargo in the trailer.

How to Address Poor Trailer Alignment

truck maintenanceCompared to decades past, it’s easier than ever to check and fix a misaligned trailer. Most mechanics use laser alignment gear for ultra-accurate measurements, so they always get it right the first time. When you take your vehicle to a truck maintenance provider, they’ll start by checking the axle centerline and correct it if it’s more than an eighth of an inch off-center. From there, they’ll check the distances from the kingpin to each end of the front axle, as well as the front to the rear axle.


If you’re looking for truck maintenance from a reputable company, consider DeCarolis NationaLease. With two locations in Rochester, NY, they are proud to offer comprehensive repairs for trucks and trailers, so you can get back on the road in safety and confidence. They also provide long- and short-term truck rentals, so your business can continue while your current vehicle is in the shop. For more information on their offerings, visit the website, or call (585) 427-2670 today.
