
Although most people understand the importance of having a living will, they might be hesitant to actually move forward and put one together. After all, it isn’t exactly pleasant to consider the outcomes associated with this legal document. However, it’s crucial you meet with your attorney to complete this task, especially when you consider the factors outlined below.

Why Having a Living Will Is Crucial

1. Designate a Guardian for Your Children

As a parent, it’s likely difficult to think about leaving your children uncared for. However, although this is a touchy subject, it’s your responsibility as their primary caretaker to see to it that they have a reputable organization, individual, or couple looking out for them when you’re not there or capable. A living will allows you to designate a party of your choice to serve as a guardian for your children in the event of an unexpected death or injury. This will provide peace of mind knowing the people you love the most will be looked after.

2. Decide Who Gets What

living willThroughout your lifetime, you’ve likely accumulated belongings that hold significant value, whether it’s monetary or personal. Should you pass away without a will, state laws will determine how these assets will be divided amongst your immediate family members. However, if you have particular wishes regarding how you want your assets distributed, it’s crucial to put together a comprehensive living will.

3. Make Your Wishes Clear

Unlike a regular will, a living will doesn’t just take effect after you pass away; it also outlines your wishes for care in the event that you’re unable to articulate them yourself. For example, if you don’t want to be kept on life support, you can make it clear in these documents to ensure those wishes are respected. You can also appoint a loved one via a power of attorney document to make any decisions on your behalf regarding medical care, asset distribution, or funeral arrangements. 


If you need to put together a living will, turn to Debra A. Brown in Litchfield County, CT. Since 1984, Attorney Brown has utilized her legal knowledge and hands-on experience to help clients maintain peace of mind knowing their assets and loved ones will be cared for when they’re no longer around. Visit her website to learn more about her services, or call (860) 496-7717 to discuss your estate planning needs today.
