
An impacted wisdom tooth is no laughing matter. This dental condition occurs when a tooth fails to erupt, which leaves it fully or partially encased within the gums. Along with causing pain and discomfort, problems with wisdom teeth can also increase your risk of cavities and push other teeth out of position. Prompt treatment is crucial in this case to prevent more serious effects from occurring. 

Do You Have an Impacted Wisdom Tooth? 5 Signs You Can Look For

1. Pain & Discomfort

Many people with impacted wisdom teeth experience a fair amount of pain. Partially erupted wisdom teeth are hard to clean, which can lead to problems with decay and cavities. All oral pain should be checked out by your dentist immediately to determine a cause. 

2. Swelling

Wisdom teeth may also become swollen. This usually occurs when a cyst forms around the tooth, which is often the case with fully impacted wisdom teeth. 

3. Bad Breath Odor

wisdom toothThe area around the tooth may become infected. This can cause bad breath as well as a foul taste in the mouth that doesn’t go away after brushing or flossing. An infection can be a very serious matter if left unchecked, as it can also impact your general health. 

4. Problems Eating

If you’re experiencing tooth pain, it will probably worsen while eating. This can result in sharp pain when biting down, or sensitivity when eating hot and cold foods and beverages. 

5. Bleeding Gums

The gums around the impacted tooth may also be affected. The area may look redder than normal when compared to healthy gum tissue. Your gums may also bleed after brushing or eating. Remember, bleeding, swollen gums are not normal and almost always point to an issue. 


In some instances, an impacted wisdom tooth shows no symptoms at all. Oral Surgery Center, S.C. can assess your dental health and determine whether wisdom teeth need to be removed. Located in Baraboo, WI, this full-service clinic performs exams and checkups and also offers safe and reliable oral surgery, including extractions. Other services include bone grafting, dental implants, and treatment of oral and facial lacerations. Schedule an appointment today by calling (608) 356-2112. You can also visit the website to learn more about wisdom tooth removal. 
