
As a homeowner, you know you need to prolong the life span of your biggest investments. When it comes to your home’s exterior, your garage door takes up a significant amount of real estate, and its premature replacement could be a sizable expense. If you’re hoping to put off an upgrade by taking care of your current garage door, use the following tips to help.

3 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Garage Door

1. Clean the Tracks

Like a train on a railroad, your garage door relies on tracks to open and close in a safe, straight line. However, over time, these gutter-like contraptions can easily fill with lint, dead bugs, cobwebs, and other debris. To prevent your door from getting stuck on the tracks, clean them out at least twice a year. Also, make sure to disconnect the power before taking on this chore.

2. Replace the Rollers

garage doorAs your garage door moves along its set tracks, it uses rollers to move slowly and smoothly, without jerking or slipping. Any damage to these wheels may lead to irregular movements, which can be dangerous. To keep your door in shape, have a professional check on these rollers at least once a year, and have them replaced every seven years. 

3. Wash & Grease the Door

Whenever you wash your vehicle in your driveway, take a few extra minutes to rinse off your garage door as well. Especially if it’s lighter in color, it will be easy to see where dirt, algae, and other messes may need to be scrubbed off with a sponge. Then head over to the springs which operate the overhead opener. Spray lubricant on these components for a smoother, quieter operation. This will also prevent excess friction that might shorten the system’s life span.


A professional inspection every one to two years can make a world of difference in the life span of your garage door. A reputable company can ensure everything is properly adjusted and lubricated, replacing springs and rollers as needed. The next time you encounter an issue with your door, turn to Pioneer Overhead Door of Lincoln, NE, for help. Their team has over 50 years of experience installing and repairing garage doors, including sought-after brands like Wayne Dalton® and Clopay®. To learn how their maintenance services can extend the life of your investment, call (402) 476-6539, and visit the website for more information on their company.
