
Whether you’re a new mother or a woman who has entered post menopause, you may be dealing with a condition known as uterine prolapse. With a wide range in severity, seeking treatment is recommended if your quality of life is impacted. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with uterine prolapse, discover more about this condition and the best treatment for your particular situation.    

Common Uterine Prolapse Questions

What is it?

uterine prolapseThis condition occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments have become weakened and stretched and cannot provide the support needed to keep your uterus in place. Because of the decreased support, the uterus slips down and can protrude out of the vagina. A variety of factors can cause uterine prolapse, but the most common include multiple pregnancies and vaginal deliveries, delivery of a larger baby, being overweight, chronic cough, and repeated heavy lifting.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms can vary depending on the severity of your case. In mild instances, you may not even realize you are experiencing uterine prolapse. However, the most common symptoms include a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis, tissue projecting from the vagina, urinary problems, and difficulty having a bowel movement.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis for this condition is typically conducted during a pelvic exam with your gynecologist. If your doctor suspects you may have a prolapse, they may ask you to bear down during the exam as if you’re passing a bowel movement, or to tighten your pelvic muscles like you do when urinating.   

 What treatments are available?

Treatment can range depending on the severity of your symptoms, from self-care practices to surgery. If you have a milder case, you may be asked to perform Kegel exercises at home to strengthen the pelvic muscles, or to wear a pessary device to help support the bulging tissue. If your case is more severe and is impacting your quality of life, you may need surgery to repair the pelvic tissues or a hysterectomy to remove the uterus.



If you’re experiencing the symptoms of uterine prolapse, talk to the professionals at Women’s Wellness Center of New York in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Dr. Tara Shirazian and her team of doctors are knowledgeable and experienced in treating a variety of reproductive health issues, from ovarian cysts and fibroids to pelvic prolapse. To learn more about their global outreach, visit them online or browse Dr. Shirazian’s reviews. Call (646) 754-3300 to schedule an appointment. 
