
Thumb sucking and using pacifiers is a common habit among children. It can seem completely normal and harmless. However, over time, the habit can damage their teeth. It’s important for parents to understand the alignment problems both thumb sucking and pacifiers can cause and ways you can work with your dentist to help your child break the habit.

What Is the Oral Impact?

According to the American Dental Association, thumb and finger sucking and pacifier use are completely normal and harmless for infants. The act helps them feel comfortable and can be relaxing when they’re anxious. Generally, they should abandon the habit by the time they’re 4 years old. At this point, their teeth and jaws are well into development.

dentistThe pressure and motion created by gradually sucking draw the teeth and jaw forward. This can lead to bite and alignment issues a dentist and orthodontist will need to address. The upper and lower front teeth may grow outward and not touch, which can affect how secondary teeth come in. Alignment problems can impact self-confidence and how your child eats and speaks, which is why it’s important to break the habit.

How Can I Help My Child Break the Habit?

If your child passively sucks their thumb, the habit may disappear on its own. At first, try ignoring it. Your child may be more prone to suck if they feel pressured to quit. Before it becomes a habit, provide infants with pacifiers since they’re easier to take away. You can create challenges, such as a chart and reward system, to motivate your child to stop. If they make conscious efforts to quit, make sure to praise them. You can also speak to your dentist at their next checkup to provide additional support.



If your child is overdue for a teeth cleaning and exam, schedule an appointment with dentist Tris J Carta DMD, MAGD in Manchester, CT. Dr. Carta specializes in children’s dentistry and takes every step to create a comfortable environment for patients. Call (860) 646-2251 to schedule an appointment and visit the practice’s website to learn more about the staff and their qualifications. 
