
Botox® is a highly versatile cosmetic treatment with countless applications. From treating temporomandibular joint syndrome to reducing signs of aging, it’s used in a variety of settings. Because it’s minimally invasive, there is a short recovery time. It’s important to stick to key aftercare do’s and don’ts to minimize side effects and ensure optimal results.


Follow your doctor’s instructions.

Your doctor will provide detailed guidelines after the Botox treatment, and you need to stick to them. They’ll include avoiding blood thinners, alcohol, and generally leaving the injection site alone. Your skin will be in a sensitive state, so you’ll want to avoid sun exposure and hot temperatures.

Schedule a follow-up.

You may need additional injections or a recovery exam, so make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor. They’ll take a comprehensive look and recommend any touch-ups. This is an ideal time to ask questions and discuss future care. There will likely be a follow-up schedule that includes 2-week, 1-month, and 3-month appointments.


Use additional treatments.

botoxWhile you’re recovering, avoid further at-home or in-office cosmetic treatments. Additional injections, microdermabrasion, facials, chemical peels, and related options can interfere with the Botox, and even worse, spread it to unintended areas. The results may also interfere with wrinkle reduction and potentially worsen signs of aging elsewhere.

Dismiss side effects.

No matter how insignificant a side effect seems, always let your doctor know about irregularities. Call if there is swelling, bruising, if your skin is tender, or if you’ve accidentally damaged the injection site. They’ll check to see that you’re recovering correctly and make any adjustments based on concerning side effects.



If you’re interested in exploring Botox and other cosmetic enhancements, the staff at Shore Medical Aesthetics and Anti-Aging can find the right solution for you. Serving Babylon, NY, this practice, led by Dr. Robert Caiati, offers a variety of treatments, including photorejuvenation, microdermabrasion, and other anti-aging applications. Learn more about their procedures online and call (516) 690-7546 to schedule a consultation. 
