
While you relax in your home and rest in bed at night, the asphalt roof above your head continues to offer protection. However, even this stalwart structure needs a bit of care from time to time. If you can’t remember the last time you focused on roof repair or maintenance, use the following tips to get back on track and safeguard your asphalt roofing.

How to Maintain Asphalt Roofing

1. Check the Flashing

Flashing is a thin metal material that lies underneath shingles, preventing water and other elements from seeping into your home. This component is especially crucial near joints and breaks in your roof, such as between gables or around the base of a chimney. Unfortunately, this material can corrode over time or become damaged from birds and other wildlife. To avoid the need for roof repair, hire a professional who can climb up and inspect the flashing up close.

2. Remove Debris

roof repairThroughout the year, twigs, leaves, and other natural debris may gather on asphalt roofing and slip down into your drainage system. If left unaddressed, the moisture and shade from this debris could lead to mold growth, as well as the formation of moss and algae. It could also clog your gutters, causing water to pool on the roofing and cause leaks. Make a habit of brushing debris off the edge of your roof and cleaning out your gutters at least twice a year, and hire professionals to remove stubborn algae and moss growth in hard-to-reach areas.

3. Trim Back Tree Branches

Believe it or not, even landscaping can create the need for roof repair. If tree branches reach the shingles, they could scrape against them during high winds or a storm and cause damage. They will also provide pests an easy pathway to your roof, where they may infiltrate warped shingles and torn flashing. Avoid these consequences by hiring an arborist to trim back tree branches as needed.


If you need professional help keeping your asphalt roofing in shape, get in touch with AMCAT Roofing of Durango, CO. These roof repair experts are licensed and insured, and they work on residential and commercial properties throughout the area. With their 100% satisfaction guarantee, you can rest assured your home is in diligent hands. For more information on their services, including storm damage repairs, visit the website. Call (970) 799-6759 to schedule a free estimate.
