
With summer just around the corner, you’ll soon be enjoying your in-ground pool and inviting friends and family over for parties. While chemical treatments and pool cleaning will be on your list of priorities, it’s also important not to forget about your concrete pool deck. This area can harbor bacteria and present a safety hazard if it’s not cleaned properly. Here are a few cleaning tips to help you maintain your pool deck.

How to Clean a Pool Deck

1. Power Wash the Deck

pool deckWhen dirt or debris is left to sit on a concrete deck, it’ll mix with moisture, leading to mold and mildew growth. Use a hose or rent a power washer to blast the concrete and remove any lingering debris. Move patio furniture and cover surrounding shrubbery with a tarp to avoid exposing them to the powerful jets of water.

2. Scrub Debris Build-Up

Even after pressure washing, you might still have lingering debris or stains on the concrete. Use a stiff-bristled brush and a non-abrasive agent to spray and scrub the problem areas. Give extra attention to the areas that are shaded as this is where mold is in the best condition to grow and thrive because it’s cooler and moister there.

3. Use a Disinfectant

Your deck must be disinfected to prevent the growth and spreading of bacteria, especially when people are walking barefoot around the pool area. You can purchase a commercial cleaner from your local hardware store, and make sure it’s designed for a concrete deck material. Bleach is a common chemical used as a disinfectant because it doesn’t destroy concrete. 


If your pool deck has stubborn grime and needs to be replaced, contact the professionals at Captain Cook Pool & Spa in Hawaii. This local company will work with you to create a beautiful pool deck, offering a variety of materials, including stone and tile. Their team of skilled contractors also creates custom pools and spas for residents and condominiums across the Big Island. Call (808) 323-3063 to schedule pool maintenance, or view a gallery of their past projects online
