
Pet owners should always be on the lookout for health issues that can affect their furry friends. Fleas are one of the most commonly occurring problems in pets, and once they latch onto your cat or dog, they can spread to you and your home as well. With vigilance, a veterinarian diagnosis, and flea medicine, you can eliminate pesky parasites and give your pet a clean bill of health. Here’s how to recognize the most common symptoms of a flea-infected pet.

How to Tell If Your Pet Has Fleas

1. Excessive Itching

If you notice your pet scratching, biting, or licking themselves far more than usual, it’s possible that fleas are the culprit. Pay attention to where your pet is itching. Fleas tend to settle in warm, hard-to-reach areas like the neck, shoulder blades, tail, ears, groin, and underarms. Once your pet’s flea medicine exterminates the parasites, the itching should stop.

2. Pale Gums

flea-medicineGum discoloration is typically a sign that something is wrong. Pale gums are a symptom of anemia, which might occur if your pet is young or experiencing a severe flea infestation. In the latter case, the body is not producing enough red blood cells to replace the blood taken by fleas. If you notice symptoms of anemia, immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic for diagnosis and flea medicine.

3. Flea Dirt

Even if you can’t see the fleas themselves, you might catch evidence of their presence. When fleas digest blood from their host, they leave behind reddish-brown droppings, also known as “flea dirt.” You might spot these specks around the home wherever your pet likes to roam. To determine what these specks are, brush your pet’s fur with a flea comb. Flea dirt will stick to the teeth of the comb.

4. Hair Loss

If the irritation is intense enough, your pet might start tearing out their fur. Excessively itching and chewing to reach these parasites can result in redness and hair loss. This generally occurs in patches, and you may see raised red bumps caused by flea bites in the affected areas.

5. Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Cats and dogs with flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) will have severe and more noticeable reactions. This disease is characterized by a hypersensitivity to flea saliva, resulting in itchy red rashes and lesions. Unlike standard flea infestations, where symptoms are localized, these outbreaks can spread anywhere on your pet’s skin. FAD is uncomfortable for pets, but with swift treatment, your pet can recover in a matter of months.



Is your pet showing signs of a flea infestation? Bring them to Texas County Veterinary Clinic for effective treatment and care. These Houston, MO, veterinarians take the health, comfort, and safety of your pet seriously. Whether your pet needs dental care, 24-hour emergency services, or flea medicine to combat an infestation, they have the knowledge and equipment to keep your pet healthy. Call (417) 967-3857 to schedule an appointment. Browse their medical services for cats and dogs online.
