
Even the most luxurious home remodels won’t look great unless you’ve picked your lighting carefully. From color to intensity to placement, there are a lot of factors that affect the way your lighting fixtures impact your home. Here’s a closer look at the ideal light setups for the most important rooms in your home.

The Ideal Lighting for Important Home Spaces

1. Kitchen

You’ll be handling hot pans and using sharp knives, so seeing everything clearly is essential to avoid injuries. Consider using a central lighting fixture as a statement, such as a chandelier. Accompany that lighting with task-specific track lights on the ceiling or under the cabinets. Together, they’ll illuminate your workspace and help you work safely, all while creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.

2. Bathroom

lighting fixtureLike the kitchen, the bathroom involves a lot of tasks that require precision—dim lighting could mean you miss a spot while shaving or overlook something stuck in your teeth. If you can’t get much natural light in the bathroom, you’ll want to provide illumination from multiple angles. Consider adding an overhead light fixture, then run a row of lights alongside or above your mirror to help you focus on hygiene tasks. Finally, don’t forget to factor ambiance into the room.

 3. Bedrooms

You don’t have to worry about entertaining in this space, so central lighting isn’t a necessity. If you’re fond of reading in bed, a night table lamp or dimmable track lighting above the headboard is sensible. You may also think about adding lighting to your closet so you can get ready in the morning without disturbing your partner.

4. Living Room

Sticking with central lighting in this space will create odd shadows, which will make it harder to focus on tasks like sewing or reading. Support the central light with multiple lamps placed throughout the space. If you want to get a little bolder, add multiple hanging lights for a bold statement. If too many lamps make the room feel cluttered, you can also add soft recessed lighting that will diffuse throughout the room.


For lighting fixtures that will make your home pop and fit your decor, work with Enterprise Wholesale. For over three decades, they’ve provided flooring and tile installation as well as discounts on home essentials like lighting, fans, and rugs. Learn more about their inventory online and call (334) 347-7033 to get a free project estimate.
