
You want the best for your friends and family, so it can be difficult to see a loved one struggling with their mental health. Fortunately, there are ways that you can approach your loved one and encourage them to seek help. Mental health counseling and psychiatry can give them the tools they need to live a better life. The following are some simple tips to help them see the benefits of therapy.

4 Tips for Encouraging a Loved One to Get Professional Help

1. Find the Right Time to Talk

When approaching a friend about their mental health, time and place are everything. Choose a private moment when your loved one is at ease, perhaps in their home or while you are going for a walk. Bring up the conversation gently, saying that you are concerned about their well-being. Your friend may be more receptive when they are relaxed and in a comfortable place. 

2. Show Your Support

psychiatryFrame the conversation from a place of support. The concept of psychiatry might make your friend nervous, especially if they haven’t considered going before. Tell them directly that you will be there to support them through the process. Avoid any stigmatizing language and remember that their mental illness is not their fault. 

3. Be Patient

Remember that your loved one might not be receptive at first. It could even take a few conversations for them to accept that therapy is the best option for them. Try to be patient and avoid pressuring them. They may need time to process their options and to absorb what you have said to them.

4. Ask How You Can Help

Once they come around to the idea of therapy, ask specifically how you can help. They may want you to drive them to their first appointment or help them research potential therapists. Your loved one may want to approach therapy on your own but enjoy lighthearted free time with you. Whether you can provide a helping hand or a distraction, do your best to accommodate your friend’s wishes. 


Whether you need psychiatry services for you or a loved one, the compassionate team at Peninsula Community Health Services in Soldotna, AK, can help. This facility offers medical, dental, and behavioral health services. You can visit them online for a full list of services and call (907) 262-3119 to make an appointment. 
