
Ending the day with prayer is a common practice within Christian households. It brings families together and provides a way to reconnect with the Father. There are also several benefits that stem from making this a part of your nightly routine.

4 Reasons Why Prayer Before Bed Is Important

1. Improves Mindset

Taking time before falling asleep to remember all that you’re thankful for could recenter your focus, improving your mindset. Whether it’s something good that happened or that all of your basic needs are provided for, choosing to focus on these positives will prevent feelings of jealousy and increase contentedness.

2. Reduces Anxiety

prayerFrom thinking of a grocery list to preparing for an important presentation, there are many little factors in life that can build and cause anxiety. Lying in bed with a million different, swirling thoughts can make it difficult to sleep. Take a moment for prayer before relaxing to remember that Jesus is there to strengthen you when you’re feeling overwhelmed, and that He wouldn’t put you through anything you can’t handle. The peace that comes from turning toward the Lord will instantly reduce anxiety and promote rest.

3. Encourages Togetherness

Ending the day in prayer with the family is an effective way to bring everyone together. It gives parents a chance to reconnect with their children and find out what’s going on in their lives. Family prayer also provides an opportunity for little ones to learn the importance of thankfulness and to practice putting others’ needs before their own.

4. Releases Frustration

If you’re experiencing challenges, like a serious heal condition, talk about them with the Lord to find additional guidance and peace. Vocalizing your issues alone might feel strange at first; however, it’ll allow you to fill in the conversation and think about the problem from a fresh perspective. Knowing that He is listening will help you find reassurance in prayer, allowing you to sleep peacefully and face the challenge again in the morning.


Learn more about the importance of prayer by connecting with the congregation at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Honolulu, HI. Their Sunday worship services start at 10:00 a.m., and they welcome people of all ages and ethnic groups. Regular Bible studies are available to Christians who wish to understand the Word at a deeper, more intimate level. Read their sermons online, or call (808) 922-6011 to speak with a member of the church about their community outreach activities.
