
There are a couple of reasons that it is not important to cover your air conditioner, even in the winter.   The most important reason is that it is not necessary.  What you might not realize is that all outdoor HVAC equipment is made to withstand harsh weather conditions and varying temperature extremes.  All of the parts and materials used are designed to stand up to hot summers and harsh winters.  


There are a couple of other reasons that it is not desirable to cover your air conditioning unit, many of which might not be that obvious:


1. Rodents Can Infest Covered Air Conditioners

Rodents and other animals seek shelter from harsh winters and will often start to inhabit a covered air conditioner.  This can lead to secondary problems like chewed electrical wires and un-insulated freon lines due to the rodents stripping them to make a nest.

2. Mold and Mildew Can Grow Inside, if You Cover Your Air Conditioner in the Winter.

Mold can accumulate in the spring months before the air conditioner is uncovered due to the increased moisture inside.  Your air conditioner is made to be open to the air.  Covering your air conditioner will block proper air flow which can lead to mold growth on your evaporator coils.  While mold growing outside of your home is not detrimental to your health the way that it is inside of your house, it can block proper airflow through your coils and decrease your air conditioner’s efficiency. 

3. Covering Your AC Doesn’t Prevent Moisture From Infiltrating Your AC Unit

Probably the biggest argument that can be made for why you should cover your air conditioner in the winter has to do with water.  If water accumulates on your air conditioners external coils (called condenser coils) and then freezes, it runs the possibility of damaging and deteriorating your coils over time.

Although this is a valid argument, the problem is that covering your air conditioner doesn’t really solve this problem.  Moisture will get in and accumulate either from humidity that is naturally in the air, or from wind blowing it in.  As the water on the ground evaporates, it can also find its way in.  The bottom line is that covering your air conditioner doesn’t do a very good job of keeping moisture out of your unit.  It will find its way in eventually.


**Your air conditioner is one of your most expensive investments, so take care of it and service it properly!!  Call ADE today for all of your cooling and heating needs!! 609-693-6050**


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