
Your roofing constantly faces harmful environmental factors, including quite a few that aren’t related to the weather. Various animals can damage your roofing, and this can lead to water damage, infestation, and other problems. Familiarize yourself with the most common critter culprits so you can protect your home and avoid the need for roofing repairs.

Animals That Can Damage Roofing

1. Raccoons

There are few places curious raccoons won’t venture. They love to dig, and if they think there’s a food source or nesting area beneath your roofing, they’ll begin ripping up shingles to break through. Once inside, they can then break into your main floor and create serious health and safety problems for your family. Prevent raccoons from crawling onto your roof by cutting overhanging branches.

2. Bats & Birds

roofing-repairsBats flutter around looking for dark, cozy places to nest during the day. Attics are the perfect place for this, and they’ll squeeze through tight openings in your roof to gain access. They can cause surface and decking damage and be a constant nuisance in your home. Birds can also damage roofing by building a nest in gutters. This can lead to overflow, and their acidic droppings can damage shingles.

3. Squirrels

Squirrels are often overlooked as a home pest because of their cuteness. Don’t be fooled — when given the chance, they’ll cause problems serious enough to require roof repairs. They’ll gnaw through shingles to get into your attic, where they’ll often leave unsanitary droppings or even die. As with raccoons, trim back overhanging branches to discourage squirrels from accessing your roof. If squirrels are particularly common in your area, upgrade to a metal roof or install stronger shingles.



Since 1945, residents of Cincinnati, OH, have turned to Ford & Son Roofing for all their roofing needs. These skilled professionals provide roofing replacements, repairs, and installations. They offer labor warranties on their work for between 20 and 30 years. Call them at (513) 231-1600 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
