
Summer is almost here—and in Denver, the average highs are often in the 90s. After being outside, it’s nice to escape to the cool indoors. However, the strain placed on air conditioning units when it’s hot out can cause them to malfunction. Rather than wait for a full breakdown that leaves you sweating buckets, look for the following signs of a problem on the horizon.

Reasons to Have a Contractor Look at Your Air Conditioning Unit

1. Noises & Smells

While you may be used to your air conditioner unit making some noise, high-pitched squeaking or grinding sounds usually are a result of a part being loose or out of place, grating against another component. Left unchecked, this will only cause more wear. You should also pay attention to any odd odors coming from the machine, which could be a sign of mold, among other issues.

2. Increase in Energy Bills

air conditioning unitsIf you’ve noticed a significant increase in your monthly cooling costs, it may mean your system is working harder than needed. This could be due to a clogged air filter, a failing component, or a lack of refrigerant. Furthermore, older units typically don’t have energy-efficient features that reduce your AC bills. Consider replacing an existing system to take advantage of newer models designed to give you maximum value.

3. System’s Age

Speaking of age, air conditioning units that are more than 15 years old are likely reaching the end of their life span. Time may have started to take its toll on parts and features, which can limit quality air distribution in your home. Repairs provide temporary fixes but, in the long run, you’re likely to shell out more money to keep an existing system working than you would replacing it.


Turn to professionals to help you determine whether it is time to repair or replace an existing air conditioning unit. For more than 15 years, Mr. Cool Heating & Cooling in Denver, CO, has helped home and business owners by offering unbiased guidance, never pushing services that aren’t needed. If you’re unsure about your AC unit, call (720) 338-7106 to schedule an inspection. You can also go online for details on their other offerings.
