
When planning an interior painting project for your home, you should base the color for your bedroom on more than just personal taste. The color scheme you choose can actually help determine how much sleep you get, resulting in long, peaceful nights or restless tossing and intense dreams. As such, before you call a painter, consult the following guide.

5 Interior Painting Choices for a Calm Bedroom

1. Blue

Blue is a color the mind associates with peaceful feelings, tranquil locations, and cool temperatures—all of which promote sleep. The color blue is also thought to help alleviate stress. Opt for a soft, light shade rather than a deep navy to reap the full benefits. 

2. Yellow

While this shade is warmer and more energetic, it's also associated with positive feelings, so many people find it comforting. For the bedroom, tone it down by choosing a soft pastel tint instead of a bright shade that would keep you awake. 

3. Green

Interior PaintingLike blue, green is at the cool end of the color spectrum. It's associated with nature and can evoke images of fields, forests, and other beautiful outdoor settings. For a classic look, choose a muted shade like pine.

4. Silver

Light gray and muted silver options appear calming and clean, which can help you relax and fall asleep more quickly. Just don't go too dark, as stormy grays can feel depressing and moody.

5. Orange

This is vibrant, eye-catching option isn't everyone's first choice for their bedroom. However, if you want to feel warm and snug, orange will do the trick. Your interior painting design might include just one orange wall rather than all four, depending on how strongly you want the color to feature.


For professional interior painting and paint removal, choose A-1 Painting & Texturing in Sandy, UT. Serving Salt Lake County for over 25 years, they use high-quality Sherwin-Williams® paint for beautiful and long-lasting results. To schedule service or speak to a friendly representative, call (801) 699-9667 or send a message online.
