
In addition to providing the best chimney cleaning and inspection services in the Greater Dayton area, Abbey Road Chimney Sweeps is committed to educating their customers on the proper care and maintenance of their fireplaces and chimneys. You may already be aware of the dangers of buildup on the inside of your chimney walls, but what about animals? The warmth and relative safety of a chimney is an environment that many animals love, especially swifts and racoons.

Chimney swifts

These small, grayish-black birds particularly enjoy building their nests in chimneys. They're listed as a threatened species, so there actually isn't much you can do about it if they do but wait for them to go away. Once hatched, the chicks usually stay for a couple of weeks, after which you can have Abbey Road come out and remove the nest, which will make it less likely that they'll come back.


Raccoons are famous for being clever, difficult to get rid of, and for carrying a variety of parasites and diseases, so you definitely don't want them around your home. Females like to use chimneys as dens for raising their young, so don't expect them to leave on their own. Call a pest control expert to humanely remove both the mother and the babies, then have Abbey Road install a chimney cap to prevent these potentially dangerous pest invasions.

The busy season is fast approaching, so visit Abbey Road Chimney Sweeps online or call (937) 833-0505 to schedule your chimney inspection today!
