
Unless you’re pregnant or you have certain health conditions, you may only need to see an OB-GYN once a year. And since there are undoubtedly things you’d rather do than spend the afternoon at the doctor’s, this is more than enough for most women. If you experience any issues between well-woman exams, though, it may be necessary to make an appointment right away. Here are some of the most common issues that warrant a trip to the OB-GYN sooner rather than later.

4 Reasons to Make an Appointment With Your OB-GYN

1. You’re Concerned About Your Period 

If your period is irregular or you think the flow is much heavier or lighter than it should be, a gynecologist can determine if you have any underlying health conditions that are affecting menstruation. Depending on your age, it may also be time to talk about menopause and the various ways to relieve its symptoms. 

2. You’re Concerned About Painful CrampsOB-GYN

It’s normal to experience some cramping, bloating, and discomfort during menstruation, but if your symptoms are debilitating, visit an OB-GYN for diagnosis and treatment. Possible causes of painful cramping include endometriosis and ovarian cysts. 

3. You’re Concerned About Family Planning 

Whether you’re trying to conceive or avoid getting pregnant, an OB-GYN can help. Your doctor can explain how to recognize the signs of ovulation and discuss various strategies for increasing or decreasing the chances of becoming pregnant. 

4. You’re Concerned About STIs

If you may have been exposed to an STI, head to your doctor for testing. Depending on the circumstances, you may have to return for repeat testing a few months later. In the meantime, though, getting tested right away can provide some peace of mind. 


If one of the above scenarios applies to you, turn to the caring and compassionate team at Advanced OB-GYN Services. At their state-of-the-art facilities in Bridgeton and St. Peters, MO, they provide comprehensive, cutting-edge care. Whether you’re interested in learning about pregnancy preparation or you have excessive bleeding, they can help. To learn more about Dr. Joseph Hazan, the board-certified OB-GYN leading the practice, visit their website. To request an appointment, call (636) 928-1800.
