
Deciding on a new shade for your hair can be difficult. Should it be light or dark? Will a warm or cool tone work better? If you’re not sure which hair color to choose, here are a few important factors to contemplate before heading to the salon.

How Do You Pick a New Hair Color?

1. Consider Personal Style Goals

Everyone has a reason for changing their hair color, so think about yours. Do you want to cover up a few pesky grays, stay close to your natural color, or make a statement with your new style?

hair colorIf your goal is to cover gray hairs, avoid dark dyes so any new silvery strands that begin to grow don’t create an obvious contrast. If you want to stay close to your natural hair color, consider adding highlights or lowlights rather than changing the shade completely. If you’d like to make a statement, try a bright, bold color, or one that doesn’t occur naturally.

2. Evaluate Your Natural Features

Your skin tone and eye color can help inform your hair dye choices. You might prefer the way that warm colors with orange, red, or golden undertones warm up a pale complexion. On the other hand, hair colors with cooler temperatures, like those with blue or ashy undertones, can work to offset any redness in your skin.

It’s also helpful to think about eye color when choosing a dye. Certain hair colors may affect how striking your eyes look. For example, a light shade will create a more neutral look for someone with blue eyes, while a dark shade will make their eyes pop.

3. Find Out What Others Think

If you get stuck between a few different hair color options, ask a few trusted friends or family members. Getting an outside perspective could confirm your thoughts and ideas about which hair dye would look best. Alternately, a quick conversation might reveal a new color that wasn’t on your radar.


If you want to try a new hair color, Larijames Salon & Spa in Webster, NY, will help you look better than ever. Their professional and knowledgeable stylists are trained on new trends and techniques each month and are passionate about giving their clients excellent results. For more information about the salon’s color services, visit them online. Call (585) 671-5140 to book an appointment.
