
If you’re heading back to school in the fall, you may be debating whether to look at dorms or apartments for rent. People are often surprised to learn that apartments can be less expensive than dorms. Here is some insight into the cost of dorm and apartment living to help you make an educated choice. 

Guide to Dorm vs. Apartment Costs


Dorm fees include built-in costs for services like water, electricity, heat, and internet. The total price for these amenities is based on an average, and you may pay less if you live elsewhere and use the utilities at a lower rate. You can typically find a better deal on internet or a package that combines the web with TV to provide amenities you’ll really use. Additionally, many students have jobs that keep them away from home for many hours, limiting their electricity use. Don’t pay for utilities you’re not using just because they’re lumped into the overall monthly price of a dorm.


apartments for rentMany dormitory fees include the cost of regular meals on-site. Unfortunately, the food provided by a university isn’t always good and may not cater to your dietary needs or personal preferences. Plus, you often can’t opt out of these additional fees as they are integrated into the overall cost of campus living. When renting an apartment, you get to choose what to eat and from where. This means it’s easier to set and follow a tighter budget. One study noted that students may save up to $146 a month by skipping dorm meal plan expenses.


Many college students think that apartments for rent will have to be far from campus and will require funds to ride public transportation or to pay for a vehicle. However, you can often find apartments for rent within a few blocks or even a mile of campus. This way, you can pay less in rent and reduce transit costs by walking or biking to class.


If you’re considering viewing apartments for rent, contact The Axis at 1435 in Lexington, KY, to set up an appointment. This unique residence is right across from the football field and is just three minutes from the University of Kentucky campus. Call the off-campus student housing provider at (859) 286-9506 or visit the website for information on their amenities from chrome finishes and closet space to beautiful plank flooring.
