
Flossing is an effective way to remove food particles and plaque buildup from the spaces between the teeth, those compact areas that toothbrushes cannot easily access. As part of any good oral care regimen, dentists recommend flossing every time you brush — or, at least once a day, preferably at bedtime. To ensure proper technique, follow these guidelines.


Use enough floss.

dentistBe liberal with the amount of floss you use. Dentists advise pulling off a piece around 18 inches long; for comparison, this is the length of an average arm. Eighteen inches of floss will give you enough clean floss to work with as you move through all the teeth in the mouth.

Get under the gums.

Don't just get between the teeth with your floss; utilize it to get under the gums as well. This is another prime spot for bacteria to accumulate, which, if left unchecked, can lead to gum disease. Move the floss in small, gentle, circular motions under the gums to dislodge any plaque stuck there.


Be rough.

Flossing should not be an aggressive act, nor should it be rushed. Leave yourself enough time to do a thorough and gentle job. Slide the floss between the teeth; don't snap it in and out. Flossing forcefully can cause the string to break, or it could dig into the sensitive gum tissue and produce inflammation or bleeding there.

Be intimidated by your flossing options.

Waxed or unwaxed; unflavored, mint, or cinnamon; traditional string floss, floss picks, or water picks; You have a dizzying array of options when it comes to flossing. Don't be intimidated; experiment with all of them and see what works for you. When in doubt, consult your dentist, and always choose products that have been approved by the American Dental Association®.


In addition to daily flossing and brushing, biannual visits to a dentist should also be an integral part of your oral care routine. Stanley R. McCardle, DMD | Family Dentistry offers general and cosmetic dentistry services to the Headland, AL, and Henry County areas. Since 1992, Dr. McCardle and his team have been providing a range of dental treatments, including crowns, fillings, implants, teeth whitening procedures, and root canals. Call (334) 693-2112 or visit the office online to schedule an appointment.
