
Spider veins are damaged blood vessels that appear as thin lines or webs, usually on the legs or face. They are a milder version of varicose veins, a condition in which veins become enlarged and gnarled due to a dysfunction in the blood vessel's valve. To better understand spider veins, below are a few causes and treatments for this common condition.

Spider Vein Causes

When spider veins emerge on the legs, their cause is a less extreme version of what happens with varicose veins. A minor weakening or damaging of the vein's valve makes blood pool and collect there instead of flowing smoothly through. This puts pressure on the surrounding skin and pushes it out in light but noticeable lines that are typically blue, purple, or red.

Spider veins on the face are usually produced by the bursting of small blood vessels. This can be the result of sun damage or certain skin conditions such as rosacea. They may be lighter and less noticeable than on the legs.

Spider Vein Treatments

spider veinsFor minor cases of this condition, home remedies may be enough to treat the issue. Compression stockings or support garments can encourage healthier blood flow in the legs. Wearing loose-fitting clothing, exercising regularly, and refraining from standing or sitting for extended periods can also help eliminate them.

For more severe cases, sclerotherapy is one of the most popular and effective treatments. A doctor injects a solution into the veins that closes them and triggers fading, usually within a few weeks. Sclerotherapy is a brief outpatient procedure performed without an anesthetic. Another treatment option is laser treatment. A high-powered, focused beam of light targets the vein and promotes clotting and drying out, leading to its eventual fading.



Although they’re unsightly, spider veins are generally not a serious medical issue or reason for concern. Lauren A. Daman, MD, PC, is a dermatologist and skin surgeon serving patients throughout the Hartford County, CT, region. Dr. Daman offers spider vein, scar, and age spot treatments, as well as skin care services like chemical face peels and microdermabrasion. Call (860) 246-3533 to schedule an appointment or visit her website to browse her services.
