
A toothache can come and go and vary in severity. In some cases it’s a one-off experience; in others, it can be tied to a significant oral health problem. It’s best to never gamble with dental health, which is why any form of toothache warrants a visit to the dentist. Here, you’ll find potential causes and ways to prevent them.

Reasons for a Toothache

1. Decay

The primary cause of a toothache is decay. As decay-causing bacteria erode enamel, they’ll gradually begin attacking unprotected surfaces of your teeth. Eventually, a cavity will form and exposure the inner root chambers of your tooth, creating regular pain. This can go on to become an infection in the pulp chambers, which will later require root canal therapy. To prevent decay, brush and floss at least twice a day and see your dentist twice a year for an exam.

2. Sensitivity

toothacheIf your toothache occurs when eating or drinking hot or cold foods and beverages, it’s likely related to sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is related to eroded enamel. Tooth roots are more exposed, so the hot and cold temperatures can have a negative effect. Your dentist needs to uncover the cause of the sensitivity. Some people inherit weak enamel, while others may strip it down by grinding their teeth. Regardless, they’ll provide protection to help you remineralize and fortify your teeth.

3. Shifting

Toothache that occurs while new teeth are erupting is often related to shifting. This can also be true as wisdom teeth come in. Shifting can be harmless in some cases; in others, it can completely undo your smile. You may end up needing orthodontic care to keep teeth in place, so schedule an exam. Your dentist can identify the problematic teeth and then create a course of action.


If you’re overdue for a dental care checkup, contact the professionals at Richmond Hill Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. Based in Richmond Hill, GA, this practice brings 30 years of experience to its patients and various general and cosmetic dentistry services. They take a personalized approach to care; whether you need a dentist or oral surgeon, you’ll find all the services you need for a healthy smile. Call (912) 756-3880 to schedule a checkup for a toothache. You can explore their practice further online and receive more health tips by connecting on Facebook.
