
If you recently endured a storm or high winds, there’s a good chance you went outside to see a shutter hanging its hinges on your home’s exterior. Or, it may have fallen off completely, landing in the dirt or grass below. Instead of putting this seemingly minor issue on the back burner, consider the top three reasons to hire a handyman service to re-hang your shutters.

3 Reasons to Re-Hang Window Shutters 

1. Increase Curb Appeal

If you were to walk by a property with unhinged shutters, creaking in the wind, you might think of it more like a haunted house than a happy home. Not only would you lose pride in your home’s exterior, but you could also face notices or fines from your homeowner’s association for failing to fix the damage. To boost the curb appeal of your property for your family or potential buyers, it’s crucial to hire a handyman service. 

2. Minimize Shutter Damage

handyman serviceHarsh winds can easily rip shutters off their hinges and throw them into the nearby yard. If you leave yours on the ground, pressed against the moist dirt and foliage, the wood will eventually start to warp and rot. That means, you’ll need to replace the shutter entirely, not just re-hang it. Save money and hassle by picking up fallen shutters and having them re-hung immediately.

3. Stop the Clatter

You and your little ones won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep with a dangling shutter rattling against your window through the night. Plus, this action could damage your home’s siding or other exterior material. Luckily, a handyman service can perfectly align and secure your shutters in a matter of hours, so you can avoid the disruptive noise.


If you’re hoping to freshen the appearance of your home, save money, and avoid headaches, get in touch with ABC Services of the Greater Cincinnati, OH, area. This trusted handyman service can install new shutters on your house in up to one business day, and they only need a few hours to re-hang a couple broken ones. They also offer dryer vent cleaning and other home maintenance services. To learn more about their skills, visit the website or call (513) 801-4454 today.
