
Everyone deserves to feel proud of their smile. If your teeth have even minor imperfections, however, it’s natural to avoid showing them at all costs. For example, you might cover your mouth when speaking and keep your lips closed when smiling in photos. Fortunately, there’s a noninvasive way to restore your pearly whites and gain the confidence you need to take on the world. By getting dental veneers, you can protect your teeth and improve your smile at the same time.

3 Scenarios in Which You Should Consider Getting Veneers

1. Severely Stained Smile 

veneerIf your smile is severely stained or discolored, whether it’s from coffee and wine or poor dental care, professional teeth whitening may not provide the dramatic results you want. Getting veneers, on the other hand, will leave you with a luminous smile, regardless of the underlying cause of the staining. 

2. Slightly Damaged Teeth 

Veneers can repair teeth that are cracked, chipped, broken, or worn down. When used to do so, they not only restore the smile but also protect the natural teeth. By reinforcing the teeth they're attached to, veneers inevitably prevent future damage. 

3. Misaligned Mouth

If your teeth are misaligned, overcrowded, spaced unevenly, or shaped irregularly, veneers may be the answer. They can straighten smiles, fill gaps, and make the teeth look more uniform—without cumbersome orthodontic appliances like brackets and wires. 


To see if you’re a good candidate for veneers, turn to Kimberling City Dental Center. For more than 30 years, this practice has been providing comprehensive oral health care for the Stone County, MO, community. Whether you need a simple exam or more complicated root canal therapy, you can rely on their friendly team. To schedule a dentist appointment, call (417) 739-4965 today, or visit their website to learn more about their general and cosmetic dentistry services.
