
Whether you are having your wisdom teeth extracted or dental implants placed, you will need to prepare for an oral surgery appointment. Your oral surgeon can help you feel comfortable and informed, but there are some key steps you can take on your own. The following are a few ways to get ready for your surgical appointment.

4 Steps to Take When Preparing for Oral Surgery

1. Arrange a Ride

Since you will likely be put under general anesthesia during your surgery, you’ll need a ride home because you’ll still experience the effects of the anesthesia when leaving the office.  Ask a friend or family member if they are able to stay at the office while you undergo the procedure.   

2. Ask Questions

oral surgeonYour consultation with the oral surgeon is a chance for you to fully understand the procedure and what you can expect during recovery. Ask any questions you have during this appointment. Spend some time brainstorming questions and write them down, so you don’t forget any concerns you have. Additionally, be sure to tell the surgeon about your medications and health history.

3. Plan Time to Rest

Your oral surgeon will estimate your recovery time at your consultation, so ask for time off of work accordingly. This will allow you to rest after your surgery instead of worrying about returning to work. If your employer requires a medical note to approve this time off, ask for one during your consultation.

4. Stock Your Kitchen

You will need to eat soft foods while your mouth heals, so you want to prepare before your surgery. Stock your kitchen with soup, mashed potatoes, applesauce, oatmeal, smoothies, and other soft foods. You might even consider making soft meals ahead of time to reduce stress during your recovery. The oral surgeon will give you additional instructions on how to eat and drink, such as sipping on beverages rather than using a straw. 


If you need oral surgery, the team at Schrimer James DDS will keep your comfortable and informed every step of the way. Located in Lebanon, OH, Dr. James M. Schrimer and his team offer high-quality treatments in a state-of-the-art facility. They perform wisdom teeth extraction, jaw surgery, dental implants, oral pathology, and facial treatment procedures for their patients. To view a full list of surgical services, visit them online, and call (513) 932-9991 to schedule an appointment.
