
From backyard barbecues to pool parties, summer presents the perfect opportunity to relax with a refreshing adult beverage. While you’re having fun spending time with friends and family, keep in mind that the rising temperatures can affect how your body absorbs alcohol. To help you pace yourself for maximum enjoyment, here are a few ways to ensure you’re sipping smart while day drinking.

How to Sip Smarter During the Summer

1. Stay Hydrated

Higher temperatures make you sweat and dehydrate faster, which can leave you feeling woozy. Whether you’re drinking liquor or not, staying hydrated in the sizzling summer sun helps ward this off. However, since alcohol is a diuretic, flushing liquids out of your system more quickly, it leaves you at a greater risk of dehydration. To prevent this, pace yourself by drinking a tall glass of water after every alcoholic beverage.

2. Eat Before You Drinkalcohol

Since dehydration can exacerbate the effects of alcohol, eating a meal before your first drink allows you to prolong your day and prevent it from taking effect too quickly. This is because having a full stomach slows the rate at which alcohol is absorbed by the blood. Delicious barbecue, burgers, grilled veggies, watermelon, and other summer foods will satisfy your palette while padding your gut.

3. Use the Buddy System

It’s easier to drink smart when you have a buddy to support and keep an eye on you. You can help each other keep track of how much you’ve had, then cut one another off when you reach a pre-determined limit. This way, you’ll have a blast together while having each other’s backs.

4. Know the Contents

Lounging by the pool with a sweet cocktail in hand is the perfect way to spend a summer afternoon. However, drinks can disguise the taste of alcohol, so make sure you know how much you’re having. If someone else is mixing the beverages, pay attention to how much liquor they add before you decide to grab another drink so you don’t find yourself unintentionally drunk. Remember, while wine has up to 13.5% ABV, or alcoholic content, distilled liquids have around 40% or more.


Drinking smart allows you to liven up your summer fun safely. At Evergreen Liquor Store of Kalispell, MT, you’ll find the best selection of wine and spirits for your summer celebrations. They carry a wide variety of mixers and alcohol, from top-shelf whiskey to fruit-flavored rum. If you need to stock up on a special liquor for your next big party or cookout, count on their staff to help you find what you’re looking for. Find rotating monthly specials on their website, follow them on Facebook for updates, or call (406) 755-1408 to inquire about their products.
