
Parents know fruit is a much healthier alternative to snacks with added sugars for children. Beyond being an all-natural swap, many types of fruit also have nutrients that boost dental health. Here are some of the tastiest fruits known for supporting healthier teeth and overall dental hygiene in children.

5 Fruits That Boost Dental Wellness

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for collagen development and gum health. Strong gums are needed to support healthy teeth, and dental issues such as gum disease have been linked to low levels of vitamin C.

2. Apples

dental hygieneEating fiber-rich apples stimulates saliva production. Saliva is the body’s natural dental hygiene agent used to clear away food particles and bacteria, so apple slices are especially wise choices for snacks.

3. Bananas

The concentration of minerals in bananas is remarkable. From potassium to manganese and copper in addition to vitamins such as B6 and C, the fruit is brimming with nutrients that support strong teeth and gums. Moreover, while bananas contain natural sugars, they’re unlikely to stick to the teeth.

4. Watermelon

Like strawberries, watermelon is high in vitamin C. It’s also crunchy and high in water concentration, which boosts dental hygiene by ridding the teeth of bacteria and food buildup.

5. Citrus Fruit

Citruses are known to be high in gum-healthy vitamin C. While oranges, kiwis, lemons, and grapefruit are packed with vitamins, however, they’re also acidic, which can be damaging to enamel. After enjoying a citrus fruit, have your child drink water to rinse the acidic juices from their teeth.


Diet is just one part of dental care. If you’re seeking a team of oral care experts to oversee your child’s dental hygiene needs, turn to Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI. This trusted practice has served local children since 1966 in a welcoming environment catering exclusively to the needs of young patients. Discover more about children’s dental care by browsing through the practice’s FAQ online, or call (808) 593-8828 to schedule an appointment.
