
Homeowners insurance protects your property from damages and losses by covering any repairs and replacements needed. However, keeping your home safe doesn’t have to cost a fortune. By following these simple tips, you can get the coverage needed while keeping premiums as low as possible.

4 Ways to Lower Home Insurance Premiums

1. Stick with One Provider

When shopping around for homeowners insurance, use an independent agency that can get quotes from multiple providers to find the best available coverage. Once you choose a provider, however, it’s best to stick with their policies. Most companies offer special incentives to loyal clients that help lower premiums. For example, combining various plans with one provider, such as home, auto, and life insurance, can net you greater discounts.

2. Raise Your Credit Score

Homeowners InsuranceProviders tend to award lower premiums to customers who have good credit, so one way to lower the premiums is to raise your credit score. Always pay credit card bills on time, avoid any hard credit checks, and try to keep credit usage low to improve your score.

3. Get the Right Coverage

Another way to lower premiums is by not paying for anything you don’t need. For example, it may not be necessary to pay for earthquake coverage if you live in an area that doesn’t typically experience them. The right agent will ensure you are only paying for the coverage you need.

4. Add Security Measures

A protected home is less likely to be targeted by criminals, which reduces the risks the provider takes on. Installing security lights, motion-sensing cameras, and a burglar alarm will make your home safer and lower monthly insurance costs as a result. 


Make sure you’re not paying more than you need for homeowners insurance by contacting the experienced agents at Omega Insurance Group in Lincoln, NE. For the past 50 years, they’ve been the premier agency in the area, helping clients find the perfect coverage at affordable rates. They’ll work with you to understand your unique needs, and they will shop their multitude of providers to find the best deal possible. Get a free quote by calling (402) 465-1167 or learn more about their offerings online.