
As you use your septic system, the tank sends the liquids out to the drain field and retains solids in the form of a sludge that builds up. To ensure your septic system runs efficiently and reliably, you will need to have a pumping service routinely remove all that sludge. Every home is unique, so know the formula and factors to consider as you calculate your own ideal septic pumping schedule. 

A Guide to Determining a Pumping Service Schedule

How to Find Your Ideal Range

septic pumpingThe two most important considerations are the size of your tank and that of your household. The smaller your tank is and the more people that regularly use it, the more frequently you will need to pump. You can check your owner’s manual, which will recommend your pumping schedule based on the number of people in your home. In most cases, this is somewhere between every three to five years. 

Other Factors to Consider

Once you have your range as a starting point, you can consider the other important factors. The first is your water usage. The more water you use, the more often you will need to pump. This includes if you do more than a few loads of laundry a week or if you have a garbage disposal that you use often. You should also pump more often if you have people using your system often, such as if you have frequent house guests or run a daycare center out of your home. 


Your septic services contractor can guide you through determining the right schedule for your unique situation. Dugger's Septic Tank Cleaning has been the trusted septic pumping contractor for commercial and residential clients in the Kentucky Tri-County area since 1962. From routine pumping to cleaning, these experts handle everything for septic systems. Learn more on their website and call (606) 528-3893 to schedule a service.
