
Fire is the without a doubt the most destructive force for your home! After a fire there are many things Restoration 1 does. We start by removing all burned material, and cleaning all the contents that can be salvaged and categorizing those that cant for your insurance claim. We wipe away soot with special sponges and mitigate for smoke with specialized O-Zone Machines to remove the smells. We demo all affected areas and remove all the old material. THEN we use what you had to generate a report as to what your coverage will allow for the rebuild. That’s right unlike some of our competitors WE HANDLE THE REBUILD TOO. We will give you options on replacement materials, and for available upgrades that we can install. Fires are tough but so are we! We handle the claim with your insurance company and work as fast as possible to restore your home. Come and see why after a fire Southern Colorado TRUSTS Restoration 1.
