
After losing a loved one, you need to take care of their home and belongings. Deciding which items to keep and which to give to a disposal service is a time-consuming, potentially emotional task. By following these tips, you can simplify the process.

How to Clean up a Deceased Loved One’s Home

1. Hire an Appraiser

You don’t want to mistakenly get rid of a valuable antique, so bring an appraiser into the home before sorting through all of the belongings. They will advise you on which items have value, and may even have suggestions on where you can sell them.

2. Sort the Belongings into Groups

disposal serviceWhile sorting through all of the belongings, create four groups to categorize everything. First, pick out what you and your family will keep, then other valuable items you can sell. Those that don’t have value but are still usable can be donated. Everything else can be given to a disposal service.

3. Include Family Members

Having your family’s help will make the process go quicker and allow you all to reminisce on your loved one. You may find a sense of closure while cleaning out the estate.

4. Schedule Disposal Services

Once you’re through cleaning out the home, you’ll likely have a pile of items to remove. Rather than bundling these into your car, hire a disposal service to take everything, including the big items you can’t handle on your own. They’ll transport it all to a donation center or to be thrown away and recycled.


If you have an estate that needs to be cleared out, contact the experts at Pacific Junk Removal on Oahu, HI. This locally owned and operated junk removal company offers a variety of disposal services that will take the stress out of the entire process. Schedule an appointment by calling (808) 833-7171, or learn more about what they accept for removal online.