
Most people know that preventative maintenance will keep their car running smoothly and help avoid bigger repair problems, but how many people include headlight replacement in that preventative maintenance? Stillwater Auto Clinic in Stillwater, MN, has been offering trustworthy, competitively priced auto repair services since 1977.

In order to shine a light on headlight repair for Minnesota drivers, these auto repair experts offer the following tips regarding headlight maintenance:

  • Optimize Headlight Performance: While the obvious time to replace your headlights is when they burn out, their performance can be optimized if you check them periodically. If you notice that your lights seem dim, first check the plastic covers. There are at-home kits that can clean the covers, but any home repair runs the risk of causing more damage. The technicians at Stillwater Auto Clinic can clean the headlight covers and make sure the lights are in proper working order.
  • Replace The Bulbs In Pairs: You will have two basic types of bulbs to choose from: halogen bulbs and high-intensity discharge (HID) bulbs. Halogen bulbs are the most common type. They use a filament like regular light bulbs, and are filled with halogen gas to intensify the light they produce. HID bulbs generally last longer than halogen bulbs and produce brighter light. Depending on your vehicle, installation of HID bulbs might require changes to your wiring to make them compatible. If you do need to replace your headlights, always ask for them to be replaced in pairs for even lighting.
  • Are My Headlights The Problem? If the lights are only occasionally dim and seem to get brighter when you rev the engine, it is unlikely that the problem is your headlights. The knowledgeable technicians at Stillwater Auto Clinic can diagnose the problem, and get you back on the road.

Stillwater Auto Clinic is always happy to help diagnose your problems and offer the right solution. Call (651) 351-7188 to learn more about their services, including oil changes, alignments and transmission repairs, or follow them on Facebook for local news and helpful car tips.
