
As a parent, you know how difficult it can sometimes be to get your child to calm down and focus. According to family counselors, encouraging mindfulness and awareness is crucial for learning the skills to help them center themselves. But what does “mindfulness” mean and what makes it so crucial? The guide below will cover all the information needed to help your child succeed, so you can start implementing healthy practices at home. 

Why Is Mindfulness Necessary?

The term “mindfulness” refers to the act of being aware of oneself during the present moment. It involves being in tune with your body and mind and how you are thinking and feeling. This skill of checking in is so crucial for children that the Juneau School District practices mindfulness techniques across classrooms of all ages who choose to participate.

Mindfulness techniques teach students to be in touch with themselves and their needs, which fosters better communication, self-preservation, self-care, and decision-making. Mindfulness takes practice and consideration, which is why counselors recommend teaching your child this skill early on, so they have time to develop it and make it a part of their every day lives.

How Can You Encourage Mindfulness in Your Child?

counselorsOne way to encourage this type of introspection is to lead child-friendly meditation sessions at home. During these sessions, you can ask your little one to focus on their breathing, the feeling of the floor against their body, and the thoughts going through their head. Another way to teach mindfulness is to go through awareness exercises. For example, when you give your child a snack, ask them to describe its texture and appearance. After they take a bite, ask them to explain how it makes them feel. This will teach your child to be present and aware of little details.

There are also mindfulness programs available that are designed specifically for young people, such as from the book “Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents)” by Eline Snel. These resources explain what parents and children need to know in helpful, engaging ways. 


If you want to teach your children about mindfulness, talk to counselor Colleen Torrence, MEd, LPC in Juneau, AK. With over ten years of experience serving the southeast Alaska region, Dr. Torrence has a thoughtful, compassionate approach to mental health, offering a safe space to help children, adolescents, adults, and families through therapy. Visit her online to learn more about her services, or call (907) 789-9212 to schedule an appointment with this counselor today. 
