
Your weight plays a central role in your general health. Obesity is tied to several health issues, including heart disease and diabetes. It’s imperative that you take steps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. This begins with mindfulness and lifestyle changes. Whether you’re looking to slim down or simply keep the pounds off, use the following tips alongside regular health care checkups.

Tips to Manage Your Weight

1. Address Bad Habits

You need to begin by eliminating unhealthy eating habits. Recognize the tine of day you eat such as before bed, if you’re over-portioning, unnecessarily skipping meals, and overloading on sugars and sweets. Unchecked snacking throughout the day is a common cause of weight gain, so pay attention to how you eat before you change your diet. This will help you create a more focused plan.

2. Understand Diet

A healthy diet isn’t simply changing what you eat. You need to understand what your body needs and how a diet meets these goals. Thinking that carbs and fats are bad, for example, is a common misconception. Likewise, relying on supplements rather than foods for nutrients is another mistake. Educate yourself about your body type and dietary needs. You can speak with a general health professional for guidance and resources so you can create the ideal diet for you.

3. Exercise

general healthNo matter how well you eat, you aren’t going to reap the full benefits if you don’t exercise. The average person needs at least 30 minutes of exercise each day to maintain a healthy weight. This is to burn excess calories and to put your body in a healthy deficit. Find creative ways to exercise, such as going to the gym, joining group classes, and creating simple at-home regimens. Simply taking the stairs at work and going for 15-minute walks is enough to make a difference.



Staying on top of your general health is key to a fulfilling life, and the team at Ridgeview Internal Medicine Group can assist. Serving Rochester, NY, since 1992, this health care practice has become a trusted resource in the community. They create customized medical care plans for each patient and focus on building long-term relationships to reach goals. Call (585) 342-3870 to schedule a general health checkup. You can learn more about their services on their website.
