
While many different metal finishing processes can be used on industrial components, chrome plating is one of the best ways to ensure the lasting durability of metal parts and equipment. However, this type of plating isn’t as well understood as other finishing processes. Here’s what you should know about this process.

Chrome Plating FAQ

What is chrome plating?

Hard chrome plating is a form of electroplating. During this process, a chromic acid solution is used to deposit chromium to other metal surfaces. Several types of coatings can be applied, including crack-free and micro-porous chromium. The resulting thickness can reach up to 250 µm.

What are the benefits of chrome plating?

chrome platingHard chrome plating significantly extends the life span of the coated metals by providing significant wear resistance. Being much thicker than decorative chrome, this type of plating prevents corrosion and abrasion. In fact, depending on the usage conditions and the type of application, this type of plating can increase a base metal’s life span by up to 10 times.

Which materials can be chrome plated?

A wide variety of metals can be plated with chrome — including most materials commonly used in industrial applications. Cast iron, copper, steel, and stainless steel are just a few of the metals that benefit from this type of plating.

Are there any drawbacks to this kind of plating?

Though chrome plating can significantly increase a metal part’s life span, it will not prevent rusting in environments that experience continual exposure to moisture. In its liquid form, chromium is a carcinogen, and there are also some concerns about how disposed plating solution can affect the environment. However, this type of plating is perfectly safe in its solid form.


For chrome plating and other high-quality metal finishing work, turn to Porter-Guertin Company in Cincinnati, OH. Founded in 1953, their trained team brings years of on-the-job experience to ensure that your project is completed properly and efficiently the first time. To learn more about their work or to request an estimate, visit them online or call (513) 241-7663.
