
Many people are surprised to learn that pets can experience depression. While this isn’t the only explanation for a change in your dog’s behavior, it’s a possibility, especially if your pup has recently undergone a major change, like moving homes, or if a person they were bonded to has died or gone away. You can identify depression by observing your dog’s behavior and watching for these signs.

3 Signs of Pet Depression

1. Changing Interaction

Pets who’re depressed don’t get satisfaction out of activities they enjoy, and they may lose interest. For example, your furry friend might not be enthusiastic about walks or doesn’t want to play fetch or other games they like. They may even begin avoiding you, hiding away during times they’d usually like to socialize.

2. Different Habits

petA dog who’s experiencing depression may show a dramatic change in their eating patterns. For example, they might refuse food or eat more than usual to self-soothe. Similarly, your pup might suddenly start sleeping more than usual. It’s normal for dogs to nap during the day; however, it’s cause for concern if they’re asleep at times they’re usually energetic, like when you get home.

3. Excessive Paw Licking

Your dog may lick or chew their paws when they hurt and itch or when they’re dirty. If your pup licks their paws excessively for no apparent reason, they may be trying to occupy or soothe themselves because of an underlying psychological issue.


If you notice any of these signs, bring your pet to Ohana Veterinary Hospital in Honolulu, HI. Serving the entire island of Oahu, this local clinic is family-owned and provides comprehensive, personalized pet care treatments, including vaccinations, house calls, wellness exams, and nutritional counseling. View their services online, or call (808) 845-1762 to schedule an appointment. Read customer reviews on Yelp, or connect with the team on Facebook for the latest news and updates.
