
Many kids feel quite a bit of anxiety when receiving medical care. In this case, it’s important for staff, including pediatric nurses, to take steps to reduce a child’s fears so the visit can progress smoothly. Not only will this make a child feel better about health care, but it can also make future care that much easier. 

How to Manage a Child’s Anxiety When Receiving Health Care

1. Talk About What’s Going to Happen

Fear of hospitals and medical procedures is often predicated on the unknown. Accordingly, talking a child through an exam step by step can help keep anxiety to a minimum. This is especially true when a child is due to receive a shot or have blood drawn. Use simple language and avoid complicated medical jargon to ensure a child patient understands what is being conveyed.

2. Provide a Treat or Toy

pediatric nurseWhen a child is experiencing significant anxiety, promise them a treat or toy after the exam. Many kids will immediately focus on the item, whether it’s a lollipop, book, or figurine, which takes their mind off the anxiety. It also gives them something to look forward to, which can motivate good behavior. 

3. Use Distractions

By the same token, you can often get a child to calm down by using a distraction. A pediatric nurse can ask questions about a kid’s favorite superhero, subjects they enjoy in school, and their family pets. This will help them keep their minds off the procedure. 


If your child has extensive health care needs, having them in the home with you is preferred. That’s why so many families rely on J&D Ultracare when you need skilled and compassionate pediatric nurses. As a home health care agency in Suffern, NY, they send nursing staff directly to your home to see to your child’s needs in the place they’re most comfortable. Their service area includes Westchester, Monroe, and Orange counties. Not only are these nurses highly skilled, but they also know how to make pediatric patients and their parents feel comfortable. Learn more about having a pediatric nurse come to your home by calling (845) 357-4500. You can also read testimonials from past clients by visiting them online
