
Have you stuck your comfiest t-shirt in the back of your drawer because of a coffee stain? Retired your favorite work blouse? Don’t give up on your clothes just because you spilled your morning latte on them. Here’s how to get tough coffee stains out of your clothes.

Removing Coffee Stains from Clothes

Dealing with Fresh Stains

The best time to deal with any stain is right when it happens. If your clothes have a fresh coffee stain, immediately soak the item or the stained area with cold water. Continue to run cold water over the back of the stain for up to 15 minutes or until the stain is gone. If water alone doesn’t do the trick, use liquid laundry soap, dish soap, or even hand soap and rub over the stain. Let it soak a few minutes, and don’t let the area dry. This should get any fresh stains out. Let the wet clothes air dry, as putting them in a dryer may cause the stain to set.

Eradicating Old Stains

clothesRub liquid laundry or dish detergent on the old stain and soak your clothes in cold water for 30 minutes, rubbing gently at the stain periodically. After half an hour, try soaking the clothes for 10 to 15 minutes in warm water. If the stain is still visible, mix some powdered laundry detergent with equal amounts of vinegar and water to make a paste. Use an old toothbrush or nail brush to rub the paste onto the stain, and then rinse. If possible, you can apply a stain remover stick or spray to the stain directions and then rinse again. Repeat the above steps above until the stain is gone. As with fresh stains, air dry your clothes when you finish washing them.

Follow-Up Cleaning

Whether you’ve tackled a fresh or old stain, once the clothes are dry, hold the fabric up to the light to make sure the stain is completely gone. If you still see some discoloration, repeat the steps above. If the stain is gone, congratulate yourself. Wash and dry the items as you normally would.



With a little effort, you can get your stained clothes clean and functional again. Visit the Park Avenue Coin Laundry in Dothan, AL, for weekly laundry and commercial services. Their clean and comfortable facility offers commercial-size machines and wash-and-dry or pickup service. Call (334) 678­-0800 for information or visit their website to learn more about the services they offer.
