
Unfortunately when a motorcycle collides with a semi-truck, SUV, or even a compact car, the rider sustains terrible injuries while the other driver may not be injured at all even thought the wreck is his fault.  The unfairness of that situation can be made even worse for the motorcycle rider and his family if evidence isn’t preserved and steps are not immediately taken to keep the blame for causing the wreck from shifting to the motorcycle rider.  You have every right to file a personal injury claim seeking compensation for damages. But to ensure the best results, there are crucial steps you need to follow—your actions at the scene of the accident and afterward matter. For the most success, keep the following tips in mind.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

1. Take Pictures

Hopefully, you or a family member took pictures of your bike, the other driver’s car, the surrounding area, and any injuries immediately after the motorcycle accident. If not, take them as soon as possible from numerous angles—these images will be important evidence to prove your damages to the insurance company.

2. Collect Evidence

motorcycle accidentWorking with your personal injury attorney, compile pieces of evidence that further prove your innocence and the negligence of the other party. Key evidence may include the police report, video footage from nearby security cameras, statements from eyewitnesses, and cell phone records. 

3. Seek & Document Medical Care

Immediately obtain the medical attention and care to address your injuries. During your doctor appointment, ask your doctor to thoroughly document their diagnosis as well as any factors they believe contributed to your injuries. They should also clearly lay out what they believe is needed for a full recovery, both now and in the future. Keep a copy of all these records, and ask for itemized bills for any expenses incurred so you can prove the value of your claim.


If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident, turn to the Law Offices of Adrian L Falgione LLC in Lexington, SC. With 30 years of experience in personal injury law, Attorney Falgione has the expertise, knowledge, and legal prowess needed to advocate on your behalf. He will ensure your rights are protected and pursue the necessary compensation for you to heal physically and financially. Visit his website to learn more about his services, and call (803) 957-6543 to discuss your case today.
