
Written contracts play a significant role in the operations of every business. They lay out the terms of a transaction, inform both parties of their rights and responsibilities, and provide liability protection. However, drafting contracts without legal guidance often ends up having costly consequences. Contract lawyers understand how to create documents that will serve your organization’s needs and prevent you from facing unnecessary risks. Here are a few ways it can help seek counsel when memorializing a legally binding agreement.

Why You Should Have a Lawyer Draft Contracts

They Will Explain Confusing Legal Jargon

Contracts are generally drafted using complex legalese. While an online search may offer terms you can incorporate into your document, it’s not likely you will be familiar enough with such jargon to know what it means. In turn, you will be taking a chance with your choice of wording, which can inadvertently lead you to say something that goes against the message you are trying to convey and put you in a difficult position. A contract lawyer will know the correct verbiage to use.

They Will Protect Your Interests

contract lawyerWithout the expertise of a contract lawyer, you may wind up legally bound to an agreement that doesn’t serve your company’s best interests. You may draft a contract that doesn’t completely protect your rights, especially if you’re unaware of what those rights are under the law. Lawyers are trained to make sure their clients’ interests are upheld in the terms of a contract in the event of future conflict.

They Will Ensure Your Document Is Legally Enforceable

The purpose of a contract is to hold all involved parties accountable for fulfilling their end of the agreement. If you fail to follow the proper legal requirements when writing a contract, the document won’t be enforceable and will serve as nothing more than a record of your proposed transaction. A contract lawyer will know the laws of your state and which terms must be included to make documents legally valid. This will ensure they can be used to enforce your rights in court if necessary.


When you hire a contract lawyer, they will become an important member of your business team. At The Law Office of W. Randall Holcomb, you will find legal professionals that offer extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of business law. They have worked with numerous entrepreneurs in and around the community of Greensboro, NC, helping to draft all types of contracts that allow clients to move forward with their business goals. Should a contract dispute arise, they are also qualified to represent you during litigation. Call (336) 888-8760 to request a consultation, or visit them online to see a full range of services they provide in this area of practice.
