
Among the 270 types of turtles, seven are considered good pets, including red-eared sliders, Central American wood turtles, and painted turtles. If you are thinking about adopting one of these small reptiles, familiarize yourself with proper care practices for optimal health and happiness. Use this information as your starting point in addition to finding a local animal hospital that accepts exotic pets.


Create a high-quality habitat.

Create a habitat that gets plenty of fresh air, includes fresh water, and features a wood or stone shelter. Do not use wood chips as they can promote mold growth.Turtles typically benefit from 10 gallons of tank space per inch of reptile. How much water they need also depends on the species. If it is an aquatic turtle, the enclosure should be 75% water. If it is a semi-aquatic turtle, the habitat should be 50% water. Use thermometers to keep up with water and air temperature, as turtles benefit from 70-degree Fahrenheit water and 80-degree air. UV lighting keeps the enclosure warm and provides the reptile with vitamin D.

Change the water often.

Install a high-quality filtration system in the tank to circulate the water. Change the swimming water frequently to remove waste and other particles that can cause infections. Replace the drinking water daily like you would with a cat or dog.


Neglect veterinary care.

animal hospitalTake your turtle to the local animal hospital for routine checkups or any time the reptile exhibits illness symptoms such as nasal discharge, lethargy, lack of appetite, shell fractures, or behavioral changes. The veterinarian will identify the problem to provide specific care, such as a vitamin A injection for a turtle deficient in the nutrient.

Use a glass top on the enclosure.

Never put glass or tight mesh over your turtle habitat since both impede UV light absorption. Turtles that do not get enough vitamin D are subject to bone disorders, shell growth issues, and shorter lifespans. If you need mesh because of other animals in the house, use one with wide cells. Remember that it is always best to use an enclosure made specifically for turtles instead of repurposing a fish tank.


Keep your turtle healthy with help from Thompson Animal Medical Center, the animal hospital serving La Crosse County, WI. The veterinarians provide care for small exotic animals in addition to cats and dogs, and they offer 24/7 emergency care, spay and neuter services, and pet boarding among other services. Call (608) 788-8820 to schedule an appointment, and take a clinic tour online. Like the animal hospital on Facebook for the latest pet care tips.
