
Hard water contains minerals like limestone, magnesium, iron, and calcium. While these substances aren’t harmful, they can have some unpleasant effects on your plumbing and cause you discomfort. If your home has hard water, you should install a water softener to minimize damage. Here are four ways to tell you have hard water.

Indications of Hard Water 

1. An Odd Smell

When you hold a glass of water up to your mouth to take a drink, you shouldn’t smell anything. If you notice a metallic or sulfur-like scent, it’s likely you’re detecting minerals and bacteria inside the liquid. You may even smell algae or dirt, which can be present in water that isn’t properly treated.

2. Brown & Orange Stains

As hard water repeatedly comes into contact with your appliance and water fixtures, it may leave behind a tan or orange coloring. Look at your sinks, toilets, and tubs to see if the areas that most frequently come into contact with water are stained. If so, you may need to install a water softener to remove the minerals and prevent further staining. 

3. Dry Skin & Hairwater-softener

Hard water removes moisture from skin and hair and can leave you feeling dry and itchy after a shower or washing your hands. Additionally, you may not feel clean even after soaping up, because the minerals can leave behind a film that feels as if you never showered. Installing a water softener will help keep your family clean and comfortable each day.

4. Clogged Pipes

When you turn on the faucet, does the amount of water coming out match the setting on the knob? If the flow is less intense than it should be, the pipes may have a buildup of minerals caused by hard water. This layering can reduce the pipe diameters and noticeably slow the flow. Installing a water softener will stop this buildup, but you may need to replace the pipes for full efficiency.



If you’re looking for a water treatment team to solve your hard water problem, contact H20 Specialists in Kerrville, TX. The company has over 20 years of experiencing removing minerals and preventing plumbing damage by installing water softeners. Call them at (830) 895-7575 or visit their website for information on their services.
