
Summer’s right around the corner, so now is the time to take precautions to regulate indoor humidity. No matter the climate you live in, indoor humidity can affect your comfort level. Whether you need to determine the cooling preferences for your home or schedule air conditioning repair, follow these tips to control the humidity indoors.

3 Ways to Control Indoor Humidity This Summer

1. Use a Dehumidifier

Using a dehumidifier might sound obvious, but many people don’t think to invest in one. Dehumidifiers can remove between 10 and 50 pints of water from the air. Along with moisture, they can remove microscopic organisms that trigger allergies and asthma. Once a week, clean the water basin with bleach to prevent mold from accumulating.

2. Air Conditioning Repair & Maintenance

air conditioning repairContact an HVAC contractor about proper air conditioning repair and maintenance. Professionals will prevent problems that might cause high humidity and other issues that can be harmful to your health. Additionally, change your air conditioner filters at least once per month if it’s being used consistently. The filters are created to capture tiny, pesky particles that decrease the air quality in your home. When the air filter gets clogged, it can trap moisture in the ducts. This can result in mold growth, harmful bacteria, and increased humidity.

3. Seal Air Leaks

Scheduling air conditioning repair is useless if your home has air leaks. Air leaks occur when outside air enters the home through cracks and openings, and lets the conditioned air out. To test for air leaks, light an incense stick and hold it by the windows, door frames, plumbing fixtures,  electrical outlets and anywhere else air might leak in. If the smoke starts blowing horizontally, you’ve found an air leak. To seal these, apply caulking and weatherstripping to the gaps to prevent heat exchange.


The HVAC professionals at Arc Electric & Air Conditioning & Heating can help you to determine the best ways to dehumidify your home during the hot summer months. With over 50 years of experience serving customers in Northern Kentucky and the Greater Cincinnati, OH, area, they will provide air conditioning repairs to maintain your cooling systems this summer. Schedule your services by calling (859) 441-7161, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
