
High school graduation is a monumental moment in every teen's life, but it's often only a stepping stone towards a degree in higher education. Though the beginning of college is an exciting time, the increased freedom comes with added responsibility. From self-defense to talking to an insurance agent about coverage, follow these three tips to keep yourself and belongings safe on campus.

3 Safety Tips for First-Time College Students

1. Get to Know Your Surroundings

The simple act of learning where everything is located may help you avoid unpleasant situations. Take the time to evaluate campus maps before arriving, and if possible, visit in person to get the lay of the land. Most colleges have emergency stations at various locations across campus. When activated, they alert campus security and flash a bright blue light. Learn where all of these stations are and plan routes to classes, dining halls, and dorms accordingly.

2. Secure Your Car

Whether you live on campus or not, you want to take steps to protect against theft. Cars pose one of the biggest risks as parking garages and lots aren't typically manned by security guards. Even if you don't keep valuables in the vehicle, you want to avoid damage from a break-in. Make sure you're protected by reviewing your auto coverage with an insurance agent before the first semester begins.

3. Protect Your Belongings 

auto insuranceIf you're planning to live in a dorm, invest in a lock box or safe to store valuables. While your parent's home insurance policy often extends to off-site incidents for dependents, the coverage amount is usually lower. To avoid any surprises, work with an insurance agent to determine if a separate renters plan is necessary or not.

4. Prepare for the Unexpected

Everyone should make sure they’re adequately prepared to get away from an unsafe person or situation. Remember to trust your instincts. If you ever feel unsafe, walking or running away from the situation is fine. You don’t have to take someone else’s feelings into consideration if they are making you uneasy. Loud whistles are handy to scare an attacker away and catch the attention of passersby. Depending on your campus' rules, you may also be able to carry mace for protection. If that's not an option, consider taking a self-defense course over the summer.  


Need to upgrade your auto insurance or renters policies? Turn to the trusted insurance agents at Alcorn Insurance Agency, Inc. Based in Rio Arriba County, NM, the independent insurance agency has worked with residents across Colorado, Oklahoma, and New Mexico since 1989. As a locally owned business, the company strives to offer honest, friendly, and dependable service. Request an auto insurance quote online, and direct any questions to a knowledgeable insurance agent at (575) 756-1102.
