
Whether you’re giving your little ones a bath or preparing dinner, you rely on sink and tub drains throughout your home to function properly. However, inappropriate waste disposal and other errors could lead to stubborn clogs that require professional drain cleaning to fix. To ensure your plumbing fixtures continue working properly, use the following tips.

3 Ways to Avoid Clogged Drains

1. Educate Family & Guests 

Some substances should never be allowed down your household pipes because they quickly lead to slow draining and eventual clogs. If you have children, tell them to keep band-aids, arts and crafts supplies, and small toys away from sink and tub drains. In the kitchen, advise family members and guests to throw coffee grounds in the trash and to allow bacon and cooking grease to solidify in a tin before throwing it in the garbage. If allowed down the sink, these substances will stick to the sides of pipes, collecting passing debris until a clog forms.

2. Use a Hair Trap

drain cleaningIn the bathroom, the biggest culprit behind a clogged sink or tub drain is hair. To prevent frequent clogs, always wash pets outside instead of in the bathroom. For human hair, the best solution is to place a hair trap over the drain. While it will have to be emptied at least once a week, it will prevent the hair from tangling and congealing with the soap scum in your drain.

3. Schedule Drain Cleaning

Even with these diligent practices, food scraps, soap scum, and random debris will collect in your drains over time. If left unaddressed, these blockages could result in sewage backup. However, chemical drain cleaners can erode pipes, warranting serious plumbing repairs. Avoid all these consequences by scheduling drain cleaning services from your local plumber. They will use professional tools and skills to safely and successfully clean your most-trafficked plumbing fixtures.


If your home could use an expert drain cleaning, get in touch with Taylor's Drain & Sewer Service of Lincoln, NE, today. This plumbing company has been in business for 40 years, providing everything from septic service to grease trap pumping. They will ensure your drains are sparkling clean, so you can wash dishes and shower comfortably. For more information on their drain cleaning services, visit the website or call (402) 474-5213.
