
Your HVAC filter works every day to keep the air quality in your home desirable. A clean filter means it can do its job well and that your air conditioning units will function more efficiently. Know how often you should replace your filter, as this is the most routine part of system maintenance that you’ll need to keep up with between services by your HVAC contractor.

HVAC Contractor Guide to a Filter Change Schedule

How Often to Replace Filters

hvac contractorThe general rule is that a filter should be replaced every 30 to 90 days. There are many factors that will influence where you fall within this range, or if your ideal schedule falls outside of it. Check the recommendation on the type of filter you use; some are designed to last longer than others. For example, regular pleated filters usually last 90 days, while a cheap fiberglass filter lasts only 30. If the package doesn’t give an expected lifespan, you can ask your HVAC contractor. Whatever the recommendation is on your filter type will be the starting point you use before considering other factors.

Factors That Impact the Timeline

There are some considerations that may mean you need to change your filter more often. If you have shedding pets in the home, such as cats or dogs, their fur and dander will clog the filter more quickly. If someone in your home has asthma, allergies, or any respiratory condition, then you’ll want to change it more frequently to maintain the best possible indoor air quality. Good air quality is also especially important for younger children who are developing quickly and take more breaths per minute than adults.


If in doubt, you can always ask your HVAC contractor what schedule they recommend when they come by for your service. Chrismon Heating & Cooling has over 20 years of experience with HVAC repairs and maintenance in Greensboro, NC, and the surrounding areas. They back their services with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee and will take the time to explain what they recommend for your home. They’ll also handle your air duct cleaning to keep your indoor air quality higher. Contact them online or at (336) 656-3888 to schedule an appointment.
