
Scheduling regular eye exams for your child is crucial to correct any vision problems and detect conditions that may affect their eyesight. Many parents overlook this need, assuming that basic eye exams during their child's checkups with a pediatrician are enough. However, the American Optometric Association recommends seeing a specialist regularly throughout childhood, and more frequently if your child is at risk of vision problems.

Scheduling Your Child's First Eye Exam

Eye ExamClear vision is important to your child's mental and social development, allowing them to read expressions, see toys and other objects, and interact with their world. For this reason, your child should first see an optometrist before they are one year old. This visit will provide an assessment of your child's vision and allow you to get them glasses if needed. This is especially vital if your child was premature, they had a low birth weight, your labor was difficult, or there is a history of maternal substance abuse before your child's birth.

How Often to Schedule Eye Exams

After your child's first visit, they are unlikely to need another eye exam for a few years unless they have known vision problems. Your optometrist will let you know at your first visit whether your child needs to come back soon. If not, their next eye exam should be between the ages of three and five. After that, they should see an optometrist again before entering kindergarten to ensure their vision is healthy enough to allow them to perform well in school. From the ages of six to 18, they should have eye exams every two years if they have no major risk factors or vision problems, and every year if your optometrist says there's cause for concern. Possible risk factors at this stage include a family history of vision impairment, developmental or systemic health disorders, and eye injuries.


If your child is overdue for an eye exam, schedule one today with Eye Care Locale in Dayton, OH. Serving Montgomery County, they offer affordable eye care from three convenient locations under the guidance of Dr. Barry Gridley, who has 45 years of experience in the field. To schedule an appointment, call (937) 222-2452, and visit them online to learn more about what to expect during an exam.
