
Do you have a persistent ringing in your ears no one else can hear? You may be one of the 50 million Americans with tinnitus. While you should go to an audiologist for a hearing evaluation for an official diagnosis, the guide below explores this condition in more depth.

What Is Tinnitus?

While most people with tinnitus hear ringing, it can also be a buzzing, whistling, hissing, clicking, or vibrating noise. It may vary in volume or noticeability depending on your environment—for example, the sound may become more prominent if you are in a quiet room and less so if you are listening to music. 

What Causes It?

hearing evaluationTinnitus can have several possible causes—including a substantial build-up of earwax or damage to the inner, outer, or middle part of the ears due to everything from water to excessively loud sound exposure. Tinnitus may also arise from issues that aren’t directly related to the ears. These may include tumors in the cranial nerves, TMJ, head or neck injuries, blood vessel disorders, or medication complications.

How Is It Diagnosed & Treated? 

An audiologist will perform a hearing evaluation to determine the root cause of the issue. Some of these tests may include having you move around or look at certain images to see how your tinnitus reacts to the stimuli. They’ll also examine your canals for signs of damage and to assess the health of your ears. Finally, they’ll ask you to describe the sound you’re hearing, as this could help them identify the issue in question.

After the hearing evaluation, they’ll recommend a treatment based on what they think the cause is. Solutions may include having impacted earwax removed, wearing plugs to avoid further water exposure, or talking to your primary doctor about potential underlying health issues. In some cases, the treatment offered might not make the problem go away, but rather, reduce it to manageable levels. If the tinnitus has contributed to hearing loss, a hearing aid may help. 


If you’re struggling with tinnitus, the compassionate professionals at Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX, are here to help. With over 15 years of experience, their staff has the knowledge and resources needed to perform a thorough hearing evaluation and suggest treatment options. Visit their website for more information on their services or call (830) 895-5900 to schedule an exam today. 
